
Together with SuperFriendly, I helped research and build an online resource publication for Toast, a POS system for restaurants and cafes.

We met with them in Boston and workshopped positioning and possible executions. We ended up building a design system and provided Toast with a full strategy for better website circulation, increased email signups, and higher brand loyalty - topics that would cover all of the success factors Toast had defined from the beginning.

I had the pleasure of collaborating with SuperFriendly on a project for Toast, a point of sale (POS) system for restaurants and cafes. Our goal was to design an online resource publication that would improve website traffic, increase email signups, and enhance brand loyalty.

To achieve this, we first met with Toast in Boston to discuss their positioning and potential executions. We researched and analyzed the market and identified the success factors that Toast had previously identified. Based on this information, we created a comprehensive strategy that addressed all of these factors.

We then designed a complete design system that would be used throughout the publication, ensuring consistency and brand recognition. We took great care to ensure that the design was user-focused and easy to navigate, allowing users to quickly find the information they needed.

Throughout the project, we maintained close communication with Toast to ensure that our approach was aligned with their goals and needs. The result was an online resource publication that not only met Toast's objectives but also exceeded their expectations.