Herman Miller

To help companies understand how to better utilize their office spaces, Herman Miller turned to SuperFriendly for assistance. Even before the pandemic, Herman Miller realized that traditional office spaces were no longer sufficient to support modern work requirements. Instead, offices needed to provide support for a variety of work modes, including privacy and deep-focus work, collaboration spaces, and remote/hybrid work options.

To tackle this challenge, SuperFriendly assembled a dream team of individuals, including yours truly (Director), Jessi Hall (Producer), Sarah Azpeitia (Design), and Sara Soueidan (Development). Together, we flew to Atlanta to work with Herman Miller for a few days at their showroom. During the workshop, we focused on positioning and execution, brainstorming ideas on how to create an innovative solution that would allow companies to optimize their office spaces.

After the workshop, we returned home and got to work on designing and executing a website that would allow users to answer a few questions to receive personalized information on improving their individual spaces.

Our collaboration with Herman Miller was a significant success, and we were proud to have contributed to helping companies adjust to the shifting landscape of modern work. However, everything was turned upside down when the pandemic hit…